Frequently Asked Question

File Access: How do I use Qsync to backup my PC folder? (For Windows users)
Last Updated 7 years ago

  1. Create a new folder "Office" under C: Drive or D: Drive. Which ever with more capacity.
  2. Create a new folder "Cloud" under the Office folder.
  3. Copy the location of the "Cloud" Folder
  4. Change the location of "Desktop" > Right Click > Properties
  5. Under location highlight the following
  6. Paste the address you have Copy, then click Apply

  7. Click Yes to change the location
  8. You may do for all other folders, Desktop, Documents, Downloads, Music, Pictures, Videos

  9. Once done, you may see all the folders under "Cloud" Folder

  10. Install Qsync and Run, Click on Seach NAS > via LAN

  11. Select the NAS and click Select

  12. Key in the User ID & Password for the user, then Click Apply

  13. Remove the default Paired local folder

  14. Add a new Paired local folder

  15. Select the "Cloud" folder, then Click OK

  16. Confirm the Paired local folder then Click Finish

  17. All you folder will start Syncing to NAS


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