Frequently Asked Question
File Access: How do I use Qsync to backup my PC folder? (For Windows users)
Last Updated 7 years ago
- Create a new folder "Office" under C: Drive or D: Drive. Which ever with more capacity.
- Create a new folder "Cloud" under the Office folder.
- Copy the location of the "Cloud" Folder
- Change the location of "Desktop" > Right Click > Properties
- Under location highlight the following
- Paste the address you have Copy, then click Apply
- Click Yes to change the location
- You may do for all other folders, Desktop, Documents, Downloads, Music, Pictures, Videos
- Once done, you may see all the folders under "Cloud" Folder
- Install Qsync and Run, Click on Seach NAS > via LAN
- Select the NAS and click Select
- Key in the User ID & Password for the user, then Click Apply
- Remove the default Paired local folder
- Add a new Paired local folder
- Select the "Cloud" folder, then Click OK
- Confirm the Paired local folder then Click Finish
- All you folder will start Syncing to NAS