Frequently Asked Question

Miscellaneous: How to use the Helpdesk app to solve issues and provide feedback
Last Updated 8 years ago

How to use the Helpdesk app to solve issues and provide feedback

Use Helpdesk to submit a Help request.

Starting from QTS 4.2.2 you can use the built-in Helpdesk app to directly submit help requests to QNAP from your NAS. To do so, ensure your NAS can reach the Internet, open Helpdesk from the App Center, and create a new Help Request. Helpdesk will automatically collect and attach NAS system information and system logs to your request, and you can provide other information such as the steps necessary to reproduce the error, the error message and screenshots so we can identify the problem faster.

Once you have provided the necessary details, click “Submit” to send the request to the QNAP support team. They will contact you shortly with the email address you provided.

Please note: Only NAS administrators can submit requests using Helpdesk.

Enable Remote Support

With your permission, our support team can remotely connect to your NAS to solve major issues. The support team will send you a request if they believe it is necessary.

To allow our support team to access your NAS, go to “Remote Support” in Helpdesk and enter the relevant ticket id and the contact email address of that ticket. After accepting the terms of service and enabling Remote Support using the wizard, our support team will login to your NAS using the support account during the stated support period. You can check the progress and after the remote support process is finished there will be a full report of the actions taken.

Please note: Only the ticket specified by the QNAP support team can be used to enable Remote Support. The ports 22, 443 must be unblocked to allow our support team to connect to your NAS.

Assist us in improving our NAS by sending your feedback

If you have any ideas for improving QNAP NAS or feedback regarding our apps and features, then you can use Helpdesk to quickly send us your ideas. You can be as detailed as possible and mention usage scenarios and other similar products/features available on the market. We greatly appreciate all feedback as it helps us to create NAS that are more usable and have better features for our users.

If you are not able to access to your NAS, please go to below link to create a support ticket


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