Frequently Asked Question

Multimedia: How do I install Twonky in Ubuntu using Linux Station?
Last Updated 7 years ago

Steps in QTS:

  1. Log in to QTS and go to the App Center.
  2. Search and install Linux Station.
  3. Open Linux Station.
  4. Click “Ubuntu 16.04 add-on from Linux Container website”.
  5. In the installation window, click “Install”.
  6. After Linux Station is installed, click “Enable".
  7. Click the URL provided by Linux Station to start Ubuntu.
    For more information, see How to install Ubuntu on Linux Station and launch software in Ubuntu Software Center?

Steps in Ubuntu

  1. Go to
  2. Download Twonky Version 8.3 (Linux: manual installation)
  3. Go to the folder where you saved the downloaded zip file and then extract the file to the same folder.
  4. Go to Ubuntu.
  5. Click “Search your computer” in the top-left corner and type “XTerm”.
  6. Open XTerm.
  7. Enter sudo mkdir /usr/local/twonky to create a folder named Twonky in the path “/usr/local”.

  8. Enter sudo mkdir /var/twonky to create a folder named Twonky in the path “/var”.

  9. Enter cd ~/Downloads/twonky-i686-glibc-2.9-8.3/ to go to the folder where you saved the downloaded file.

    1. “Downloads” is the default folder for downloaded files in Windows. If you do not save your files here, replace “Downloads” with the folder you choose.
    2. “Twonky-i686-glibc-2.9-8.3” is the name of the folder you create in step 3.
  10. Enter sudo cp –af * /usr/local/twonky/ to move the extracted folder to the folder created in step 7.

  11. Enter cd /usr/local/twonky/ to go to the folder created in step 7.

  12. Enter sudo chmod 777 to enable the file.

  13. Enter sudo usr/local/twonky/ start to install Twonky.

  14. After Twonky is installed, go to
Now you can start using the Twonky media server.


  1. Ensure that you type the commands above correctly. Commands in XTerm are case-sensitive.
  2. You can install and use Twonky for 30 days without a license key, after which you need to purchase the license to continue.

Configuring Twonky

  1. Open Twonky.
  2. To change the Twonky server name, go to “System” > “Server Name” and specify the server name.
  3. Go to “Sharing” > “Shared Folders” > “Add New Folder” > “Browse”.
  4. Select the folder “nas_share”.
  5. Select the folder on the NAS where you store your multimedia files.

Now you can play the multimedia contents stored on the NAS via DLNA/UPnP media receivers.
For more information, go to


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