Frequently Asked Question

HD: How to monitor multi-devices in WAN for HD cameras?
Last Updated 9 years ago

Before started, please make sure all the cameras you want to monitor can be separately accessed over the internet. Let’s call the camera you’re going to setup multi-camera function as main camera

Step 1: setup multi-camera
Login to main camera’s web page, go to Settings-->Basic Settings-->Multi-Camera menu.
Click The 2nd Camera and fill in below informations of the camera which you want to add.(Refer to Picture 1)

1. Camera Model: choose H264 for HD camera, MJ for MJPEG camera
2. Camera Name: a nick name for the camera
3. Host: camera’s remote URL, for example
4. HTTP Port: the camera’s http port number
5. Media Port: same as HTTP Port number
6. Username and Password: the camera’s login username and password.

Then click Add to save the settings.
Picture 1

Note: If you have both MJPEG cameras and HD cameras, please use HD camera as main camera.

Add more cameras in the same way. When finish, you can see all cameras added. As shown in Picture 2.

Picture 2

Step 2: Monitor multi-cameras on one page
Login your main camera with its DDNS+Port or External IP+Port. Click multi-device view (4 or 9) at the left panel, so you can see all cameras in one screen.

Picture 3



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