Frequently Asked Question

General: Check whether my Camera support RTSP / ONVIF?
Last Updated 8 years ago

Solution Model RTSP / ONVIF
Hichip FI8601W,FI8602W,FI8608W,FI8620,FI9820W Not Support
3507 FI9801W,FI9802W, FI9818W,FI9821W Not Support
3518A FI9821W V2, FI9818W V2, FI9831W, FI9826W, FI9821P, FI9831P, FI9826P,FI9805W, FI9804W, FI9804P, FI9805E, FI9805P, FI9805EP, FI9828W, FI9828P, FI9828P V2 Support
3518C FI9821W V2.1, FI9821P V2, FI9831P V2, FI9826P V2 FI9821EP,FI9803EP, FI9803W, FI9803P, FI9851P, FI9853, FI9853EP, FosBaby, FosBaby P1 Support
3518E FI9816P, FI9803P V2, C1 Support
3516C FI9903P Support
Ambarella /S2L55 C2, R2, FI9900P Support

If the UI didn’t show RTSP port option, the port would be the same as http port. 

C1: not compatible with the Surveillance Station.
C2: Supported as H.264 PT Cam, (720P)
R2: Supported as H.264 PT Cam, (720P)

C1: Supported as Cam
C2: Supported as ONVIF
R2: Supported as ONVIF

C1: Supported ONVIF Cam / Profile
C2: not compatible with the Surveillance Station.
R2: work via FI9903P, Generic RTSP
Issues with Onvif - not able to choose video resolution


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