Frequently Asked Question

Login Failed: Connection has failed with state 'Not connected'" error in the ESET PROTECT Web Console (versions 8.x–10.x)
Last Updated 2 years ago

Issue Summary

The error message suggests either a communication issue between the browser and the Web Console or a problem with the server or database connection.


Two Main Solutions

  1. Troubleshoot Connection Problems
  2. Reinstall ESET PROTECT Web Console

I. Troubleshoot Connection Problems

Steps for Windows Users

  1. Check Network Conflicts: Ensure that there are no network problems, particularly if the database server is running on a different computer.
  2. Restart Apache Tomcat: Be patient as Apache Tomcat takes a few minutes to start fully. Retry login after a few minutes.
    ⚠️ Caution: Restart services only during maintenance windows to minimize risk.
  3. Check Database Service: Make sure SQL Server or MySQL is up. If not, restart the service.
  4. Verify ESET PROTECT Server: Ensure that it's running as expected.
  5. Check Port Conflicts: Ensure ports 443, 2222, 2223, or 8443 are not being used by other services.
  6. Inspect Logs:
    • ESET PROTECT Server: C:\ProgramData\ESET\RemoteAdministrator\Server\EraServerApplicationData\Logs\
    • Apache Tomcat: C:\ProgramData\ESET\RemoteAdministrator\Tomcat\Logs\
  7. Update Java: Ensure you're running the latest version.

II. Reinstall ESET PROTECT Web Console

This will take 10 to 20 minutes depending on your network.

  1. Stop Apache Tomcat 9: Use services.msc or navigate to %TOMCAT_HOME%\bin and double-click tomcat9w.exe.
  2. Rename era folder: Change Webapps\era to Webapps\era.old.
  3. Download Latest era.war File: Grab the newest era.war file suitable for your version.
  4. Extract era.war: Rename it to and extract its contents to %systemdrive%\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache Software Foundation\apache-tomcat-9.0.40\Webapps\.
  5. Restore Config File: Move back to its original location.
  6. Restart Apache Tomcat 9: As per step 1.
  7. Refresh and Log in: Hit F5 to refresh the ESET PROTECT Web Console and try to log in again.


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