Frequently Asked Question

Add or remove password protection of ESET security product settings from ESET PROTECT (8.x–10.x)
Last Updated a year ago

User Permissions Required

As always, ensure you've got the proper admin permissions. If not, create a secondary admin with full rights:

  • ESET PROTECT users: Create a second admin in ESET PROTECT
  • ESET PROTECT Cloud users: Create another admin
  • ESMC users: Create a second admin in ESMC 7.x

Main Tasks Involved

  1. Add password protection
  2. Remove password protection
  3. macOS users—lock policy settings
  4. macOS users—privileged user setup

Add Password Protection for ESET Security Products

Steps to Enable Agent Password Protection

  1. Open ESET PROTECT Web Console.
  2. Navigate to Policies. Choose the policy to modify and click Actions → Edit.
  3. Or, create a new policy: Policies → New Policy → ESET Endpoint for Windows.image
  4. Head to Settings → User Interface → Access Setup.
  5. Hit Set next to Password protected settings.image
  6. Input your password twice to confirm, then click OK.image
  7. Click Finish. The settings are deployed on the next client login.image

Remove Password Protection for ESET Security Products

Steps to Disable Agent Password Protection

  1. Open ESET PROTECT Web Console.
  2. Follow the same steps as above up to step 4.
  3. Check if the Password protected settings dot is blue.
  4. Click Remove next to Change password.
  5. Click Finish.image

macOS Users—Lock Policy Settings

ESET Management Agent password protection is not available for macOS, but settings can be locked via policy.

  • Toggle the full grey dot next to policy settings to lock them.image

Note: Settings can't be altered locally on the macOS client once they're locked via policy, unless you're a privileged user.


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